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An e-Mess Age

By : avani.819, Jul 22, 2010

With import of e-waste banned in China in 2002, India & Pakistan have become the favourite e-waste dumping destination for the advanced countries. Inadequate recycling facilities and irresponsibility on behalf of electronic companies has resulted in a situation of crisis...

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Is India aiming for urban sustainability?

By : Komalirani Yenneti, Jul 19, 2010

India moving rapidly along its growth – development axis is faced with rising urbanization and growing pressure on resources especially in its urban areas. The ‘National Mission on Sustainable Habitat’ has enumerated specific steps to integrate comprehensive urban planning...

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Opinion: Need vs. Greed- The Indian climate dilemma

By : Bulu Imam, Jul 13, 2010

Though developing countries claim their ‘right to pollute’ for the sake of development, it is also important to understand that infinite growth is not possible on a finite planet. New age development needs to be based on sustainable and efficient planning.


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Liquid waste water management ,and rain water harvesting

By : suminarah, Jul 11, 2010

I have one idea of sustainability in my opinion.hope it will work best and you will like it. All of we know that waste water is generated from every household from kitchen ,toilets ,bathroom and from other washing purposes.and these waste water flow to the open drainage...

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Subject Tags: Resource Efficiency

What goes around, comes around: E-waste rules in India

By : Rahul Sharma, Jun 29, 2010

India has a large consumer market and a high rate of illegal imports of electronic goods. Recently, India has released the guidelines on E waste management which are significant, but need to be implemented keeping in mind the informal sector that works on recycling.

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Carbon capture and storage: Insurance to climate change?

By : Romita Pandita, May 17, 2010

CO2 capture and storage (CCS) is seen as potential tool for greenhouse gas mitigation. But due to concerns like the emissions due to increased energy consumption, cost and safety, India should critically examine all the associated issues before joining the bandwagon.

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The Green Building Paradigm in India

By : Akhil Choudhary, May 12, 2010

The objective of green buildings is to reduce the overall impact of the built environment on human health and the natural environment. Though its concept is being rapidly popularized in India, there are still a few hurdles that prevent mass scale adoption by project...

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Nuts and Bolts of a Green Building

By : Rahul Sharma, Apr 23, 2010

From stadiums for the Commonwealth Games to Civic Centre buildings, today every new construction aims to be ‘green’. Greening comes at a higher capital cost, but has tremendous potential for savings, and a reduction of the strain on our natural resources in the long run....

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REDD under the hood

By : Bhaskar Sharma, Apr 12, 2010

With the need to cut GHG emissions in the wake of climate crisis, REDD has manifested as a potential breather as well as an economically lucrative option. However, post Copenhagen and the developing vs. developed nation debate, the outcome of the mechanism is yet to unfold....

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Where to account for trade emissions?

By : Roselin Dey, Mar 12, 2010

Where to account for emissions of exported products - the producer (developing nations) or consumer (developed nations)? The recent report in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS) has refueled this debate about GHG inventorization.


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