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Algae Biofuels: Possibilities, Uncertainties

By : Anonymous, Jan 19, 2010

Biofuels are getting a bad reputation. People are doing the math and realizing that replacing fossil fuels with crop-based biofuels would take all the arable land on the planet.[1] Using algae instead, may be key to biofuels becoming an eco-sound alternative.[2]

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PSUs Going Green

By : Shila Kumar, Jan 19, 2010

Intense competition is forcing Indian PSUs to look at measures to cut costs, reduce energy wastages, improve operational efficiencies. Environment-friendly measures help achieve these objectives and improve both margins and goodwill.


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Carbon Disclosure Project Report for India

By : Shila Kumar, Jan 16, 2010

The CDP India Report highlights actions of top Indian companies in reducing emissions as well as adapting to the direct impacts of climate change.

It also identifies the...

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Analysis: India's New Biofuels Policy

By : Shila Kumar, Jan 5, 2010

India’s new policy on biofuels targets blending at least 20 percent biofuels in diesel and petrol by 2017. This implies that 13.38 million tons of biodiesel will be required (which would need 30x increase on...

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Green GDP and India’s Five-Year Plan

By : Nora Nelson, Dec 15, 2009

Beginning in 2010, India, as part of its five year plan, aims to factor the use of natural resources into its GDP as a means of underscoring its actions in the fight against global warming. And by 2015 the aim is to report on "Green GDP" figures.


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Water a limiting factor for a low carbon future?

By : Nora Nelson, Dec 9, 2009

Water is an integral part of the carbon cycle. The recent report from the Water Resources Group outlines water demand for India to reach 1.5 trillion cubic metres, though current water supplies are estimated to be just...

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India CDM pipeline November report

By : sustainabilityo..., Dec 2, 2009

Two N2O abatement projects from Rashtriya Chemicals Fertilizers accounted for 1.35 million CER generation potential: being amongst the larger projects getting registered. Unexpectedly, a leading indicator for future projects is strong in...

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Greater focus needed on forest carbon initiatives

By : Anonymous, Dec 1, 2009

Talk about carbon and most people think of “energy carbon”: which is produced by burning fossil fuels such as oil, natural gas and coal. Most people, including policymakers and entreprenurs, seem to overlook “forest carbon”.

Forests have sequestered 4 centuries...

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Primer on waste-to-energy

By : Anonymous, Nov 25, 2009

Waste-to-energy (WTE) technologies represent an opportunity in India. The key is in working at the source to segment different waste-types.

In urban areas municipalities are...

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WEO 2009 outlines bleak outlook for India but there's hope too

By : Anonymous, Nov 17, 2009

Going by the World Energy Outlook report, India has a bleak period ahead. By 2030, world primary energy demand is set to shoot up 40% higher than in 2007, with India and China accounting for 53% of the...

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