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Kerala: SmartCity project gives a push to solar power plants

By : Sustainability ..., Jan 7, 2020

SmartCity project has given a push to the solar energy projects in the city. Cochin Smart Mission Limited (CSML) has set up solar plants on the rooftops of 28 institutions in the city, thereby generating 1,000 kilowatts of energy. Though CSML identified more than 60...

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Solar rooftop panels for government buildings, schools, colleges in next phase

By : Sustainability ..., Sep 4, 2018

The MC is going to install rooftop solar panels at all government buildings and educational institutions in the second...

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Pune sells India’s first municipal bond since 2007 for Smart Cities project

By : sustainabilityo..., Jun 21, 2017

Pune sold $31 million in 10-year bonds on Monday, as cities in Asia’s third-largest economy look to tap investors for the first time in a decade to finance infrastructure projects.

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