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Stock prices of companies are still not factoring in risks attributable to changing climate factors. Investors at large are oblivious of the connection between corporate performance and the implications of climate risk.
Over the course of last 2 decades, the world has moved through a state of denial to uncertainty to panic and acceptance on the challenge that Global Warming represents.However leadership or rather statesmanship required to steer the global imperative at an expeditious pace is still missing....
CERs issued from India continue to form a smaller portion of the worldwide CERs issued. Leading indicators show a slowing rate for future CER issuance.
However, some projects submitted over the quarter outline innovative consumer level efficiency projects. Their performance...
During last week's climate discussions, the Indian Govt offered non-binding annual reporting into India’s emission reduction initiatives and progress.
The announcement is a politically significant move demonstrating India’s flexibility and commitment to the overall global goal...
In a project currently under registration with the CDM board, D.Light is targeting to sell 1 million units of Nova solar lanterns in Bihar and UP over the coming year.
At 1W per unit that the Nova lamp uses, this would translate into an offgrid...
India’s Ministry of Environment & Forests (MOEF) released the report "India's GHG Emission Profile: Result of Five Climate Modelling Studies". This report compares 5 different studies that forecast India's GHG emissions.
Most ongoing conversations around carbon abatement that I’ve encountered have tended to treat issues related to afforestation and sequestration related activities as being distinct from energy generation related activities.
This makes sense in developed economies where per capita carbon...
Carbon Information Management is rapidly emerging as a necessary requirement to keep carbon abatement activities going.
The last few years are seeing a lot of activity on this front i.e. quantification of the carbon footprint at an organizational (and country level). Accompanying the...
APX announced today that two of its market standards have been accepted by SWIFT, the leader in standards and messaging for the financial services industry.
In the...
The CDM pipeline analysis from the UNEP RISOE yesterday outlined some interesting submissions from India. A set of 11 Small Scale CDM Projects under a “CFL Lighting Scheme” have clearerd the National body and submitted to the CDM board this month. These are currently under a comment period....